Clip-On Bracket White for Telescopic Slides 550mm
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Stock Code:
Supplier Code:
Product Type | Simple product |
Lead time | 10 Days |
Pack Size | Pair |
UOM | PR |
PartBestSellers_c | No |
Corrosion Resistant | No |
Diameter | 0 |
Disconnect | No |
Extension | 0.00 |
Featured | No |
Finish | White |
Force (F1) | 0.00 |
Grip Range Max | 0.00 |
Grip Range Min | 0.00 |
Hold-in | No |
Hold-out | No |
Load | 0.00 |
Load Scale | 0.00 |
Lock-in | No |
Lock-out | No |
Manufacturer Part Number | DW63355-2 |
New Products | No |
Opening Angle (degrees) | 0° |
Optional Bracket | No |
Pin Diameter (mm) | 0.00 |
Piston Diameter | 0.00 |
Rigid Blocking in Comp | No |
Rigid Blocking in Extn | No |
Rod Diameter | 0.00 |
Self close | No |
Soft Close | No |
Spring Blocking | No |
Stroke | 0.00 |
Tailgate | No |
Tube Diameter | 0.00 |
Thickness (mm) | 0 |
Length (mm) | 0 |
Width (mm) | 0 |
ExtendedDescription_c | Clip-on bracket in white with bottom & platform mounting options. The weight is from 0.32 to 0.51 depending on the length of the slides. |